Examining the Literature on Authentic Montessori Practices: Multi-Age Groupings
An exploration of mainstream education literature related to the core Montessori practice of multi-age groupings. AMS Research Committee White Paper May 2016
An exploration of mainstream education literature related to the core Montessori practice of multi-age groupings. AMS Research Committee White Paper May 2016
High school graduates who had attended public Montessori programs from pre-school through 5th grade significantly outperformed peers who had not attended Montessori programs in measures of math and science. Journal of Research in Childhood Education
A comparison of public school Montessori and non-Montessori students in kindergarten through second grade found that Montessori children have higher levels of self-regulation and more consistent growth in self-regulation skills over the 3-year period of … Continued
Examining how fidelity to the model impacts outcomes, this experiment looked at 3 classrooms which supplemented Montessori materials with other materials such as puzzles and games. Supplemental materials were removed from 2 of the 3 … Continued
A 3-year longitudinal study of children admitted through randomized lottery to public Montessori schools in a high-poverty American city. Montessori preschool elevated children’s outcomes in several ways including measures of academic achievement, social understanding, and … Continued
“Researchers matched Montessori students to non-Montessori students with the same demographics and similar baseline academic performance. These matched analyses provided evidence that Montessori students experienced greater achievement growth in ELA, math, and social studies. Further, … Continued
A definition of authentic Montessori, outlining Maria Montessori’s understanding of the environment, the teacher and the child in order to “provide researchers, policy makers, administrators, teachers, and parents with a benchmark from which to measure … Continued